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Meet the Team

We are so thankful for the staff, leadership and volunteers that God has brought to serve at 15-5 Church.

Our Staff

Lou Leventhal Headshot_July 2021.jpeg

Lou Leventhal

Lead Pastor

(Currently on Medical Leave)

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Brad Berkan

Associate Pastor

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Di Timm

Children's Director

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Steph Hnatiw

Office Administrator

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Advisory Team

The 15:5 Church Advisory Team is composed of a broad demographic of church members who represent various ministry areas. We meet monthly with our pastor for prayer and to seek the Lord regarding important decisions involving our church. This group will continue to operate until the church has identified those who will serve as elders.

The members of the 2022 Advisory Team are:

Jennifer Bergen

Corey Ens

Sherry Ens

Marvin Fege

Derek Hnatiw

Gaylene Johnston

Fraser Kent

Pastor Lou Leventhal

Jean Pfeifer

Katie Pfeifer

Bradie Plumb

Ken Van Rees​



15:5 Church Treasurer

Katie Pfeifer


15-5 Church Finance Team


Kaurie May, CPA, CA

Katie Pfeifer, CPA, CMA

Pastor Lou Leventhal

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