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Our Mission

Following Jesus.  Loving People.  Serving the world.



We want to . . .

Know God more intimately,

    Love Him more deeply, and

        Follow Jesus more faithfully.

Our Vision

To be a warm and caring church family, continually transformed by God’s grace and love, giving ourselves away for the sake of the Gospel.

Vision Lived Out

Mission Unpacked

Following Jesus

-First love (Christ) focused.

-Being filled with God’s Spirit.

-Faithful to God’s Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Loving People

-Gospel centered – saving relationship with Jesus is people’s greatest need. We love all people, regardless of their beliefs.

-Gracious – quick to forgive,

and to ask for forgiveness.  

-Generous with our time, talents

and treasures in serving others.​​​

Serving the World

-Giving ourselves away for the sake of the Gospel.

-Going wherever God leads us, locally or globally.

-Global perspective on God’s Kingdom.

-Simple structure - we can’t and won’t try to do everything.

-Sunday worship gatherings - meeting to focus on God and to encourage one another.

-Small groups (Community groups) to foster community and discipleship.

-Special meetings for fellowship and communication.

-Servant evangelism - sharing the love of Jesus with humility in tangible ways.

Leadership Structure

​Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church. He appoints pastors, elders and deacons to lead, serve, and shepherd His people.  An Advisory Team meets monthly to pray and offer insights and congregational perspectives to help inform decisions that impact our church family.


Commitment to God's Word
The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, and is foundational to everything we are and do.

Knowing and Loving the Triune God 

We love God because He first loved us.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one God, expressed in three distinct Persons.  We were created for relationship with God.  


Every person is separated from Holy God because of our sin. Our salvation is based on God's initiation, grace and mercy.  We receive God's grace and are given a new life by His Holy Spirit when we put our trust in the completed work of Jesus on the cross.  Salvation is found only in Jesus, and through God's grace we are adopted as children of God.


"Apart from Me, you can do nothing."

John 15:5
All we do is rooted in the character of Jesus and in reliance on His Spirit leading, empowering, and working in and through us.


Loving Others as We Love Ourselves

We believe people are made in the image of God, and He calls us to love others in tangible ways, even when it's inconvenient.

Warmth, Transparency, & Grace

We have been shown boundless grace by God through Jesus, and we want to allow that grace to flow out of us to others.  Our church family is a caring and safe place where people can be transparent and genuine, because they are loved for who they are.

Participants, not Spectators

The Holy Spirit has gifted each of us uniquely to build Christ's Church and expand His Kingdom.  We are called to participate in the building of God's Kingdom, not to sit and watch!  We were created to make a difference in the world for God's glory.  


 15:5 Church also affirms the Canadian National Baptist Convention Statement of Faith:

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