15:5 Kids
We Are Making Some Changes
​It has been exciting to see our 15:5 Kids' ministry grow over the past year. With this growth we have felt the need to restructure our children's ministry in an attempt to better support our 15:5 families.
We realize that every change we make potentially could have both positive and negative impacts on our families. We thank-you for your patience as we implement these changes. We are always open to constructive feedback for better ways to serve our children and families.
Classroom Age Divisions
We are excited to be offering a Toddler Class which takes place in the Landmark party room. We still need some more people to volunteer once a month to help make this class sustainable.
​ We also have a Kindergarten to Grade 2 class and a Grade 3 to Grade 5 class. These two classes begin with a large group time together, and then will split into separate theatres on Sunday mornings.
*Some accommodations may be made between the classes on a case by case basis.
Returning to the Theatre
On the Sundays with 15:5 Kids' programming, after their teaching time the children has finished, they will return to the theatre, find their parents, and sit with them.
During our Family Sunday (on the last Sunday of the month) there is no separate class time for the children, instead we invite them to experience church with their families for this service. We do provide aspecial teaching time just for them during the Family Sunday Service.
Grade 6-7 Options
We are looking for helpers with the younger children's classrooms - so if your older child would like to help out in this ministry - please talk to Di Timm. We also believe at this age, your child is able to sit in the large theatre with you for church. We are aways impressed with the spiritual maturity of our 15:5 Kids - and believe this is a great opportunity for them to grow even more.
Volunteers Needed!!!
We are in need of additional volunteers to help out with teaching as well as for helping in the three different 15:5 Kids classrooms. If you would be willing to help out just once each month - it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact our Children's Ministry Director, Di Timm if you would be willing to invest in the lives of our 15:5 Kids.