At 15:5 Church, we are incredibly grateful for the places God has provided for us to meet over the past eight years. From our time at Willowgrove School and Sutherland Hall, to our current home at Landmark Cinemas, it has been exciting to see what God is doing through 15:5 Church. We are so encouraged to see our numbers grow month after month.
The reality is, we don't know how much longer we will be able to fit at Landmark Cinemas. Our staff and leadership teams are already exploring creative ways to allow us to stay at Landmark as long as possible - while still accommodating the consistent growth we have been experiencing.
Even as we are discerning ways to accommodate more people at our gatherings at Landmark, the Advisory Team has discerned it would be wise for us to start a Facility Fund. This fund will be used to allow people to designate finances towards future facility needs of 15:5 Church.
You might be more familiar with the term "Building Fund" at churches - but we aren't convinced that God is calling us to build a facility. The reality is that properties are expensive to purchase or build in Saskatoon - and the neighbourhoods we feel called to minister in has some of the most expensive real-estate prices in the city. Although we are open to move in whatever direction the Holy Spirit leads us, the reality is that it might be more feasible for us to lease a property long term.
So why do we need a Facility Fund if we aren't looking at purchasing or building something? Even if we feel led to lease a property, there will be many initial expenses we will face. We may need to renovate the space to fit our needs. We will need to purchase chairs for "sanctuary seating" and other furniture to fill the space. There will be various purchases needed to support our ministries as we move into our own space.
Our goal is to be prepared to move quickly if God provides a new home for us - and to have some funds available to prepare the space for ministry.

We are encouraging people to consider how the Holy Spirit is asking them to respond to this exciting challenge of finding more space to do His ministry. We are asking that you don't divert your regular giving to 15:5 Church to the Facility Fund, as we still need to meet our monthly expenses for ministry. Instead, we are asking you to discern how you might be called to respond beyond your current giving to 15:5 Church.
If you would like to participate - you can contribute using the same methods you currently use to support 15:5 Church - we simply ask you to make a note with your gift indicating that it is to go towards the facility fund.